The Reading Room
Booking a reading has never been easier! Please follow the below directions in a few simple steps:
Book your own private reading by clicking on the buy now button next to the type of private reading you would like to have.
Once your payment is received you will be sent a confirmation email confirming your payment.
Within 48-72 hours, you will be receiving another confirmation email providing date(s) & time(s) available to schedule your reading.
Please understand that due to Robyn’s schedule, appearances or travel dates, that your reading will take place as soon as possible depending on her schedule and how many readings are ahead of you. Therefore, we ask for your patience in scheduling as she is in high demand with her abilities.
That’s it! once you have completed the above steps you will be having a scheduled reading
Sorry, same-day appointments are unavailable. If you are looking for an earlier appointment, please let us know ahead of time via our contact form and we'll add you to the email list.
If you are a celebrity seeking assistance in spiritual mentoring and would like to schedule a confidential session, please email and an NDA will be furnished upon request.
Robyn has the unique gift and abilities to communicate with your loved ones on the other side. We would like for you to take important note that it is never “too soon” to have a reading. Your loved ones that have crossed over will want to convey messages for you. However, she wants to stress that anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, needs to go through the grieving process. Please give yourself the time needed. If you have landed on this appointment page, and you are in a grieving process and are in need of immediate assistance with an urgent problem that you are experiencing, please contact your nearest support network. Robyn is not a Medical Doctor, Psychiatrist, or Psychologist, she is medium rare. If you are seeking for someone to sugar coat, then we ask you to please look elsewhere. She answers bluntly the way she sees things, nothing more and nothing less. She takes Mediumship and her craft as well as her clientele very seriously.
If you are ready to experience the ultimate encounter with the ones you love and have lost, please book your appointment below. Important Note: Phone Readings are incredibly as accurate as those done in person.
REFUND POLICY: Consultations are non-refundable
The Reading Room Services

Spiritual Candy
Spiritual Candy for My Soul - Spiritual Guidance and Mentoring -
One Hour Session Starting At $350
Are you in a rut and wanting to break old habits and begin a new cycle? Allow me to be your guide as we renew your sacred happy space! This session is intended for revitalizing, renewing, and restoring your soul. Think of it like a reset button and experience the breakthrough that you desire. There is a reason that this session is one of my best sellers. Soccer Moms, Athletes, CEO's and Celebrities sign up to experience this powerful session where we work together through the art of healing to break through barriers that can often be holding you back or were hidden. This is the session to sign up for when you know that it is time for you to start over. Feed your soul to the path of enlightenment. My spiritual guidance readings have been transforming lives in miraculous ways, but moreover, you will feel like a million bricks have been lifted off of you. This session truly is one of the best investments you can make in yourself. (highly recommended for clients who prefer retainer sessions)
ICU Clairvoyance With Robyn
Starting At $250
When you step into an ICU Clairvoyance reading with me, I fine tune my antennae into your energy field with my abilities which encompass clear seeing, feeling, sensing, hearing, and tasting. This reading allows me to see snapshots and elements of your past, present and future. Areas of focus in this particular session include your career, love life, family, and financial questions. Clairvoyance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception which allows a person to perceive distant objects, persons, or events, including "seeing" through opaque objects and the detection of types of energy not normally perceptible to humans (i.e. radio waves) Typically, such perception is reported in visual terms, but may also include auditory impressions (sometimes called clairaudience) Clairgustance is defined as a form of extra-sensory perception that it is claimed allows a person to taste a substance without putting anything in one's mouth. Those whom possess this ability are able to perceive the essence of a substance from the spiritual or ethereal realms through taste.

ICU Clairvoyance

The Family Reunion
The Family Reunion- After Life Reading
One Hour Session Starting At $250
Take a trip into another dimension and experience the portal between the afterlife and physical realms. In this session, I will utilize all five senses that I encompass as a Medium. I am able to hear (Clairalience), see (Clairvoyance) feel (Empathy of what your loved ones felt before they passed away) Taste (fire, smoke, burning) and sense. I will connect to the other side and transmit messages for you direct from your loved ones who have crossed over to the other side. Your loved ones who have passed away will be excited and be eager to convey specific details and sensitive information such as names, dates, symbolisms, events, words, etc. to validate themselves. Because this session entails great spirit and energy, we recommend that you communicate with your loved ones (in your mind is just fine) who have passed away prior to the reading. I always strive to provide you descriptive, detailed and accurate information for you regarding what you and your loved ones who have passed on shared together here in the psychical realm as well as other intimate details that only you and your loved ones will know about bringing you a loving, healing, and peaceful reunion.
E-Reading Consultation
Starting At $175
(Typed Three [3] Questions) If you prefer to have a written consultation sent via email, once you have submitted payment via PayPal, you can submit your three questions to me at my email address prior to readings.
Do you have a burning question that you want clarity on? Well, the great news is that I can help you with answers. I always receive pre-reading information from Spirit. In a Typed E Reading with me, I will connect with your loved ones and spirit guides. As the information comes to me whether it is symbolisms, objects, names, dates, and sensitive information, I will type it exactly the way I receive it. E-Reading Sessions typically consist of approximately two-three typed pages. I will also be including information from spirit to you. This is a form of "direct communication" and is spoken to me clairaudient as I take dictation. Your Typed E-reading session will be emailed to you within (15) business days. This typed session will be sent as an email attachment, in Microsoft Word Format.

E- Reading

X Ray Photo Session
X Ray Photo Session
Email 5 Photographs at $175
I think the saying goes a picture is worth a thousand words. that is absolutely true! Are you curious about a person and need details? This unique reading pairs remarkably well in conjunction with the ICU clairvoyant or afterlife session. I will utilize my mediumistic and clairvoyant abilities where I will be guided by spirit to convey specific messages to and for you pertaining to the person or person(s) in the photograph. Photo readings are portrayed to me as a movie of your life, or that person’s life in the photograph flashing before my eyes. Around a person’s photograph I am able to see and hear names of people, dates, places, and much more that the average person would never be able to see. Much like an X-Ray, I have the innate ability to read photographs with uncanny accuracy to help you, and your loved ones in all areas of life as well as bridging you to the deceased. If you are singing up for this reading, you are responsible for emailing me five photographs of your choice. No names, dates, or information please. Kindly Note: this session is for emailing me five photographs only. No contact such as (in person) will take place other than emailing photographs
Psychic Detective Assistance
One Hour Session Starting At $225
Over the many years I have been called in to assist families who have experienced a tragic loss where there is an open case or investigation.*Kindly Note* this session is highly recommended ONLY If you have exhausted all resources and are seeking answers that are unknown to the public. When booking this reading, I will ask you to email photographs. Please be certain when emailing photographs, that you do not give any names, dates, or any sensitive information.


Feng Shui
Crystal Clear Feng Shui Consultation-
One Hour Session Starting At $500
Okay so you just bought a new home or moved into your swanky penthouse and have all of these beautiful furnishings. You are a savage and you know that you need things in just the right positions in order to achieve greatness! but, you don’t know where or how to begin. I am very good at bringing business and residences customers as well as knowing exactly what directions you need to put your Feng Shui to use. This session is for when you want me to arrange and unblock any obstacles so that the forces may flow freely with abundant blessings for you in your sacred space. Such areas of focus are arranging objects, spaces, and color flow as it brings a whole new dynamic energy field to achieve positive harmony and balance. I will identify the stagnant areas as well as determining energy characteristics of items and its resultant effects on the building's or residents’ occupants, person's lifestyle, place and its energy flow while assessing items that bring both positive and unwanted energy. Calculations are done according to basic principles, followed by remedies which are prescribed. It is necessary to co create balance and harmony for one person and one place at a time. Once you learn how to rid yourself of any negative or unwanted energies that may be holding in a place where they do not belong a release will transpire and you will learn how to guide and feel the beauty of flowing financial success, balancing harmonies energy for a positive effect, protecting yourself from negative energies, how to triple positive effects for happiness and prosperity. Since we are all made up of energy, everything is connected and affects our body, mind, and soul. Based on the laws of nature, Feng Shui theories offer us a way of understanding why certain things occur in our lives. We can use this knowledge to create a cozy warm inviting and sacred environment that lets us live and work efficiently and progressively. The basic principles of Feng Shui is a true divine art. The Yin and the Yang, the Five Elements, East/West Compass Directions, the Solar System and the Environment.
Intuitive Body Scanning
And Energy Work
Half Hour Starting At $250
Did you know that “Psychic Body Scanning” can reveal any current or past blockages in body, mind, and soul while assessing any imbalances that may be present? Over the years I have worked with many people who thought they were losing their minds because of the fact that they never felt well. Through working together, I am able to target and identify the energetic links within you via a psychic body scan as to why they exist and how to eradicate links that do not belong with you. Because I am an empath, I am able to sense physical and emotional pain that may be present within your body. In this session, I will work with you on releasing energies and in turn healing negative energies that may be holding you back. You will be taught how to sense energy using your own intuitive abilities while learning how to recognize when spirits are around you so that you may feel closer and more in tune to loved ones who have crossed over.
Kindly Note: This session is NOT a cure, nor is it for any type of medical diagnosis.

Body Scanning &
Energy Work

The Gift
The Gift That Keeps On Giving
Starting At $250 For An Hour Gifted Session To A Friend Or Family Member
Gift your loved one a session for the ultimate encounter! When booking this, please send me an additional email with the subject “gift”. In the body of the email please confirm exactly whom you are requesting the reading for. Please include their contact information and I will respond back to you via email. Gifting a reading is truly the gift of a lifetime! Treat a loved one or friend to a session today!
Bottom of Form
Please be advised that once you make your payment via pay pal for a Personal Reading with Robyn Z. There are NO REFUNDS. No Exceptions. Readings are solely done by Robyn Z. herself and are never computer generated. Robyn Z. reserves the right to terminate a session. Please understand that due to Robyn’s schedule, and last-minute appearances or travel dates that are booked. Your reading will take place as soon as possible depending on her schedule and how many readings are ahead of you therefore we ask for your patience as she is in high demand with her abilities.
Keys To Your Soul At $150 or $350
As a Psychic Medium, I have taken the skills that I have learned in my lifelong relationship with the other side to help people from all walks of life and from all over the world. One of my biggest passions is guiding you to find the keys to your soul and connect you with your loved ones on the other side. I am delighted to welcome you (with open arms) to the first of my trilogy zoom series entitled “keys to your soul”- A virtual trilogy course with Psychic Medium Robyn Z. -a spirit packed zoom event.
In the first of it’s kind with a trilogy of classes, you will have a safe and secure place to let your guard down. You will be safe and sound while connecting personally with me (and your loved ones in the spirit world) and amazing people from all over the world right from the comfort of your home.
In the unprecedented times and chaotic world we are all living in, the time is now to not allow chaos to define us, but for you to accelerate and grow! This course will be a safe place for you to dive into a treasure chest of spiritual bliss while gaining invaluable assistance to lift you up and accelerate your soul’s higher purpose and welcome spiritual unfoldment.
Welcome to the Keys to your soul virtual zoom event with me, Psychic Medium Robyn Z.! A three-part trilogy course.
Class one “the spiritual treasure chest” will include:
introduction into spirit guides
what your spirit guides names are, who and what they are
The differences between recognizing a spirit guide vs spirit
Being an Empath
what it means to be an empath
Personal experiences to share
how to find your spirit guides and connect personally with them one on one
group exercises
All classes will keep the energies positive and focused on spiritual growth and development. When it sells out, the treasure chest closes until the next course announcement.
Class two Soul 2 Soul will include:
connecting to the other side
What your loved ones see, hear, sense, feel on the other side
What it looks like in the afterlife VS here on the physical plane
Where our soul goes when we move on from the physical world
Unlocking the door to the other side safely
Treasure chest of experiences and valuable lessons
finding the keys to your own soul
Class Three “Keys to the soul”
How to use your abilities to connect and disconnect from energies
recognizing signs from your departed loves ones and interpreting them
How to cleanse your home from unwanted energies
Release Blockages
How to refresh and protect your aura
and finally, readings from yours truly for each class member!!!
You do not want to miss out on this course! In this three part series with me you can expect and anticipate to laugh hysterically, gain much needed insight into your own abilities, cry with validations hearing from your loved ones in spirit, and have a safe outlet without any judgement to speak freely with likeminded people about your own spiritual experiences…. but it doesn’t stop there!
This course will be a treasure chest of invaluable information while navigating a trip from the physical plane into the light and afterlife all while being supported mentally, psychically, emotionally and magically. If you have been feeling like its time and have had a heaviness within your soul, this is the class you MUST sign up for while exploring the most incredible and amazing spiritual encounters like no other!
“Keys to your soul” -trilogy course
Dates and Times:
Class One: Saturday, November 7th, 2020 11AMET-1PMET
Class Two: Saturday, November 14th 1PM-3PMET
Class Three: Saturday, November 21st 12ET-3PM
Join now and dive safe and sound into a spiritual gateway like no other! the path to spiritual enlightenment is just a click away! this course is paramount for all who have been seeking to hear from your loved ones on the other side while providing comfort, peace, validations, spirit guides and so much more!! Get ready to encounter and navigate the stars as we welcome the most incredible changes into your life and overcome obstacles and blockages.
Sign up NOW and receive the whole trilogy for a spirit packed 3-part zoomie
option one: sign up separately for one class only for 150
Sign up for the “keys to your soul” trilogy and receive ALL THREE CLASSES including mini readings for only 350!